Speaking: When a Content Marketing Strategy Beats Hard Pitching

Many conferences and events are undermined by speakers who insist on trying to sell from the stage. Very often this is banned or discouraged. even when it is allowed it is still a very bad idea.

What works much better is to take a content marketing approach. Instead of simply trying to sell your product or service try instead to give a useful talk on a topic related to your business -- something that is useful for the listeners without a direct commercial message.

This works because most people do not want to hear your sales pitch -- if they had wanted that they would invite you to pitch at your company -- but they will listen to an interesting talk. Say something relevant and people will listen, they will remember you and they will have a more favorable opinion of you, your company and your products.

You are also much more likely to be asked to speak again. Perhaps the original speaking slot came as part of a sponsorship deal and the organizers had no power to veto weak ideas. But by delivering a product pitch you just guarantee that you will always have to pay to speak. Speakers who are interesting are invited back, they are invited to new events, they get asked for comments by journalists.

If you are not sure what to speak about ask a few friends what they would like to know more about your business, look at the trending stories in the news and perhaps ask the organizers if they have any inputs. Maybe there is an overall theme that you can connect with, or maybe in their research for the event they actually polled the attendees to find out what they want. Delivering an interesting talk that is closely aligned with the theme of the event is the surest way to get a reputation as a desirable speaker.

Lectures, Workshops, Coaching and Writing

For lectures, workshops, one-to-one coaching and writing about public speaking and other communication topics contact Andrew Hennigan on 0046 730 894 475 or speaker@andrewhennigan.com.


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