Don't Grab That Lectern!
Most of the time the best policy for speakers is to stand out in the open. Don’t stand behind tables or lecterns if you can avoid it. Standing in an open space is perhaps the most difficult for shy people, but is much more effective. Even standing beside the speaker’s table or lectern can be a good compromise, so you can peek at your notes but still be open to the audience. But there are some formal situations where you have to stand behind a lectern. Here you have no choice and you simply have to stand behind the lectern like everyone else. But you can still decide for yourself how to stand, and this can make a difference. Watching debates in the Swedish parliament I notice that there are some people who grab the lectern firmly with both hands, as if they are afraid it will try to run away, or if they are afraid of falling over. This projects insecurity and perhaps even a hint of aggression. Other people rest their hands lightly on the top of the lect...