How a Media Relations Hack can Improve Your Emails

When you are preparing replies to questions from journalists your media training person will teach you to reply in complete statements. So if the question is "Do you think that social media is just a fad?" an answer like "No" might be technically accurate but is unusable for the journalist. You will get much better results if you reply "I do not think that social media is a fad". This is easier to quote in video and much easier to use in a written piece.

This same technique can also be used in email threads to make communication more effective. When someone sends a message like "Will you be able to help with the pitch coaching at the next startup event?" you could just reply "Yes". This has two disadvantages. First, the sender has to re-read their message to see what you replied to. Second, restating it as a complete statement means that the other person can see if you understood correctly. For this to work it is best to use your own words, not a cut and paste from the original message.

There's an additional benefit. Many people today read their emails on a phone that displays the first two lines on the first screen. Done correctly, the central part of your response should be visible there.

Why does this make email more effective?  It saves time for the reader and it reduces misunderstandings. Often what wastes time is needing to have additional cycles of email to settle a simple question.

Lectures, Workshops, Coaching and Writing

Andrew Hennigan provides lectures, workshops, one-to-one coaching and writing about effective email plus networking, influencing, speaking and other communication topics. To book a session email or call 0046 730 894 475. You can also find out more at

Payforward Networking

Learn how to network effectively online and in real life in my new book Payforward Networking. Find it here: Paperback editionKindle edition.


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