Five Reasons Why Businesses Can’t Afford to Ignore Social Media
Many small and medium-sized businesses underestimate
the power of social media. This is especially true in highly-technical
business-to-business fields where the customer is another business rather than
a consumer.
Talking to entrepreneurs I hear many reasons for this. Some say
that their stakeholders don’t use social media – which is almost certainly not
true, they just haven’t noticed. Others say that they have tried using Twitter,
Facebook, LinkedIn or other social sites but nobody responded to their posts. This could be true because it takes time to build up this interaction.
But even if there is little direct response to
social media posts there are some indirect effects that make social media
something that a business or organization can no longer ignore. Here are just
five of the most important:
do people are going to Google you to see who you are. To most people you
are exactly what Google says you are, so managing your online reputation is
critically important. Luckily anyone can build a robust online footprint very
easily simply by creating accounts on popular social sites and populating the
profiles. To be seen that is all you need to do, though to get the best results
it helps to post sometimes, too, and interact with other people.
Journalists in traditional media channels rely increasingly on content from and
communication through social media. Everything happens first on Twitter and it
has become an ideal place to look for sources, ideas and stories. It’s also a
great way to reach out to experts who might be able to comment on a story.
LinkedIn, Facebook, GooglePlus and other social networks are also very useful
for discussing ideas for articles, collecting stories and identifying experts.
To be absent from social media puts any business at a disadvantage in
traditional media. Without an online footprint you have to rely on press
releases – notoriously ineffective – or personal contact, which is very
effective but costly.
The people you talk to in normal face-to-face conversations, in meetings and at
events are often influenced by social content and conversations – what I call
the “undertalk” -- that they have seen recently. This parallels exactly the way
that early adopters of the world-wide web were often ahead of other people a
generation ago. What this means is that someone who is also monitoring social
conversations concerning your business can effectively see what people might be
talking about and the position they might take. Even better, if you participate
in this social media undertalk you can help to shape the online conversation
which in turn means that you influence the face-to-face conversation later.
that you try to recruit are likely to try a Google search and also to look at
the social media activity of a company before making their decision. When this
activity is absent that can make people concerned that they are making a bad
decision. Many people are used to interacting through social media channels so
not finding access through this route they already feel uncomfortable. This is
not a deal breaker for everyone but when a popular candidate has several offers
to consider this might make a difference.
Every investor I have talked to admits that they Google companies before they
invest and that they are influenced by a lack of presence. A business can be
perfectly solid without a social media presence but the lack of visibility
breeds uncertainty and doubt. Given a choice between two equally appealing
investments most people would favor the one with a more robust online
footprint. This is because good networking tends to boost performance and
because good external communication suggests that internal communications and
investor relations are also likely to be well managed.
These are just the top five reasons why no business can ignore social media, but any
single one of these is sufficient to justify the effort required to create and
maintain a basic presence on top social sites. At the beginning it is enough to
create profile pages, but to get more benefits you should also be monitoring
the conversations related to your business and also participating in some
conversations. This probably takes much less work than you expect but that’s a
story for another article.
This post was inspired by a short lecture that I
delivered at the Future of Swedish and Danish Life Science conference at the
Medicon Village in Lund, 8 April 2015.
Lectures, Workshops, Coaching and Writing
Andrew Hennigan does lectures, workshops,
one-to-one coaching and writing on social media and other communication topics.
You can contact him through email using, by phone at 0033 6 79 61 42 81 or 0046 730 894 475 or through
his website