Why You Should be Networking Even If You Aren't Looking for a Job
You don't need to be looking for a job or trying to sell something to find networking useful. In fact if you wait until you are looking for a job then it is probably too late. There are many reasons why you should be networking whatever you do, but here are the top three: 1. NETWORKING IS A LONG-TERM ACTIVITY. Networking is not something you can start today and expect results by the evening. It is a long-term activity where the best results can come months or even years after your initial effort. And it's not something you can buy ready made, since every network is personal. To build a solid network takes time and effort and the sooner you start this effort the sooner you will have the benefits. If you start building a network today when maybe you are not looking for work that network will help you a few years into the future when you decide to change or someone else decides for you. 2. NETWORKING HELPS YOU IN YOUR EVERYDAY WORK . There are many ways in which your netw...