How to Make People See, Open and Read Your Emails
Most people get more email messages than they can handle comfortably. This means that before you can convince someone to do what you want you first have to make sure that they see, open and read your emails.
Sleazy clickbait style subjects and other ruses just don't work anymore, or they work just once. To earn and keep a reputation as a sender of useful messages that are worth opening and reading there are a few simple methods you can apply:
Sleazy clickbait style subjects and other ruses just don't work anymore, or they work just once. To earn and keep a reputation as a sender of useful messages that are worth opening and reading there are a few simple methods you can apply:
message subject is extremely important, working like the headline of an
article. People decide to open your message mostly after reading this subject
line so you should always write it very carefully. Make sure that it is
specific enough so that it doesn’t look like spam and try to state already the
main message of your mail. A very vague subject like “Proposal” will sometimes
be stopped by a spam filter and humans will not find it appealing.
TWO LINES Today the first two lines of the message are very important today because many people like
me first see most emails on a mobile phone. Make sure that in those two lines there is something relevant and interesting for the reader, not just a bland formality. Sometimes for a very important mail
I send a draft to myself to see how it looks on the iPhone mail screen.
body of the message always say exactly what you want to happen and get to this point quickly, not
at the end. Sometimes I am willing to help someone but I can’t understand
exactly what they want from me. Make sure that this is very clear. This, by
the way, is the key secret of effective complaining emails.
message long enough to be polite but otherwise try to keep it as short as you
can. Nobody today has time to read long emails. Write a long message if you
want, but then cut away everything that isn’t needed before you send it. When there
are many different subjects to discuss it is usually more effective to deal
with one at a time, otherwise an email might be archived as “completed” when
just one of the issues has been closed.
AVOID ATTACHMENTS. Never attach a file unless it is really needed. I have seen people send a message that
simply says to read an attached DOC or PDF file. This is immensely annoying for
busy people and is complicated for people who read emails on their mobile phone. Stick
to simple plain text emails and only attach a document that is reasonable to
attach, like a CV or a photo.
Follow these simple rules and people will see, open and read your emails more often. And when they read them you have a much greater chance that they will do what you wanted, so this is an essential part of any influencing toolbox.
Lectures, Workshops, Coaching and Writing
For lectures, workshops, one-to-one coaching and writing about business email and other communication topics contact the author, Andrew Hennigan. You can reach him by email at, by phone at 0046 730 894 475 or through his website