Engineer Culture and the Transition to Management
When people talk about culture they usually mean national or regional cultures, but there are also important cultural differences between professional groups -- doctors, lawyers, pilots, managers and engineers -- and these cultures have an impact that is often underestimated.
Most people from a certain region will have similar values, beliefs and practices as the others from the same region, but within each professional subculture there are additional shared values and practices that are perhaps not shared by people in other professions from the same region.
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Most people from a certain region will have similar values, beliefs and practices as the others from the same region, but within each professional subculture there are additional shared values and practices that are perhaps not shared by people in other professions from the same region.
One of the practical impacts of this difference in professional culture is the
difficult transition from engineering to management. In technology
companies this is a problem familiar to managers and human resources
professionals, and is also the subject of some training programs. There
are many factors involved but central to the engineering value system is the
shared understanding that their world is strictly Cartesian, following logical
laws and where everything has an objectively right answer. Engineers are
trained with the mindset that everything can and should be calculated or judged
objectively, and this is essential to their work. But moving to
management means dealing with people issues, and this requires a completely new
approach where there is rarely a single right answer and where the world is not
black and white but many shades of gray.
One way to grasp this concept is to look at dilemmas like
the credit for the discovery of the cure for Tuberculosis. Streptomycin,
the antibiotic that effectively eliminated tuberculosis in the 1950s, was discovered by a
young scientist called Albert Schatz but initially the credit -- including a Nobel prize and a TIME magazine cover -- went to his professor, the
microbiologist Selman Waksman. Ask any group of people who should have
been credited and at first most say Schatz, but if you dig deeper then you
begin to have doubts. It was an insight of Waksman that a suitable
antibiotic could be found by testing thousands of cultures found in soil
samples, he built the laboratory to do this and hired Schatz to do the
practical work. So it was Schatz who was actually doing the work when
Streptomycin was discovered but intellectually it was the fruit of work by
Waksman, even if he never visited the lab. Perhaps the best solution
would have been to share the credit, but fifty years ago when universities were
more hierarchical this was unthinkable. Today, though, the story helps
people to see that answers are not always so black and white.
You see the difference between engineer and non-engineer
culture manifested in many other ways. One is in the management of people – a
difficult but learnable skill – and also in the way people present their ideas,
something I have seen many times while I have been giving advanced speaking
coaching to managers. To anyone from an
engineering background it is logical that you present the facts and the
technically best solution will be chosen. In reality it is rarely
that simple because there are also human issues involved and some influencing
skills will be needed. Some look down on this as “politics” or worse, but
it is in fact an essential core skill for managers, though also useful for engineers who wish to influence management.
Fortunately there are solutions to this problem and you will
usually find them in management training programs, but the best starting point
is recognition that there are different professional cultures. They are
there for a good reason and they are important for the success of the
professionals in that field. An engineer with no feel for engineering
culture will find the work much harder, and a manager without the human skills
will find their task very difficult, but someone who has both can move easily
from one to the other, outperforming the less culturally literate.
Lectures, Workshops, Coaching and Writing
For lectures, workshops, one-to-one coaching and writing on this and other communication topics visit, email or call 0033 6 79 61 42 81 in France or 0046 730 894 475 in Sweden.
Why Culture Factors Make Agreeing Plans so Difficult
Working with the English: Three Things You Need to Know
Here be Dragons: How Culture Affects You More Than You Think
Doing Business in Italy: Three Key Concepts You Need to Know
Cultural Stereotypes in Cartoons: Do Germans Really Wear Monocles?
Doing Business in Sweden: Three Things You Need to Know
How Building Team Culture Makes Global Teams More Effective
Culture and Technology: How Cultural Factors Impact Engineering Decisions
Why the Office Weasel Can Play a Useful Role in Hierarchical Organizations
Managing Across Culture: Three Non-Obvious Issues to Watch For
Three Non-Obvious Ways Culture Affects Email
Three Non-Obvious Issues in Multicultural Meetings
Culture, Innovation and the Curious Case of Pandora Radio