Speaking: How to Use Notes Discretely
One of the questions I am continually being asked by aspiring speakers is how to read from notes discretely, so that most of the audience doesn't notice. There are actually quite a few techniques and the best plan is to learn them all so you always have the right solution for the venue. By far the most effective way to speak is to speak from memory. But even if you have learned your speech very well some notes can be useful in case you suddenly lose track of your thoughts and need a prompt. Simply reading the entire speech sounds very awkward and stilted, though there are ways to make that sound smoother, too. In most cases I would recommend that people memorize the sequence of points in their talk or presentation and then talk freely about each point. If you are speaking in a second or third language or you are less experienced it is usually more effective to write a complete script and go through that several times to prime your brain with suitable words. After that you ca...